Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Recipe Holder

Good morning. It is snowing and so cold in Colorado...4 degrees according to my car thermometer. This is the kind of day that makes me want to bundle up under a warm blanket and not venture outdoors. Unfortunately the kids still have school and I have an orientation for a subbing job I am starting.  
If you are here from the Practical Scrappers or S.W.A.T. blogs, welcome! Today I'm sharing a recipe card holder I made as a Christmas gift for a friend. What I love about this gift is that it's perfect for Christmas, but it is also usable all year long. 

I picked up a wooden block and tin set from a Pick Your Plum deal way back in the spring intending to find some way to use them for Mother's Day. That time obviously came and went and when I found the box of goodies on the back of my craft shelf I decided they would make perfect recipe holders. They are just the right size to sit on the counter and if you are like me, you find yourself looking for your recipe the whole time you are cooking because you are constantly moving it out of the way as you make a mess in the kitchen. Anyone or is that just me?! Well, problem solved. With the recipe clipped on this baby, my sweet friend will never lose a recipe again.

Totally thought this little bird was so adorable. This is an older Christmas line from Imaginisce that I had in my scrappy stash. So cute. After painting the wooden block I glued some scrap paper and  added the Love sign and the bird to give the block a cuter look.

At this point you may be wondering how this cute little holder fits in the kitchen the whole year round. Let me show you!

Here's a look at the back side. Just flip it around and you have a cute little holder for the rest of the year, yummy little cupcake and all. Again I dug into my stash and brought out another very old line. This time it's Bo Bunny. Can you tell that I'm a paper hoarder? I have had this paper for so long and have been waiting for the perfect food page, it just never came until now. See, there is good that comes from hoarding! (Try convincing my sweet hubby of that.)

Off to tackle the snow with my handy Pilot. Today I am thankful for an SUV! 

Stay Warm


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